Friday, November 30, 2012

My week workout routine

    My first day begins with workout which includes chest, triceps and shoulders exercises.

    Exercises for chest:

    1. barbell/dumbbell bench press 4x8-12
    2. incline bench press 4x8-12
    3. chest flies 4x8-12
    Exercises for triceps:
    1. dips 4x15
    2. reverse grip triceps pushdown 4x8-12
    Exercises for shoulders
    1. alternating deltoid raise 4x8
    2. barbell incline shoulder raise 4x8
    3. cuban press 4x8
    My second day starts with workout which includes back and biceps.

    Exercises for back:
    1. dumbbell rows 4x8
    2. lat pulldowns  4x8
    3. deadlifts 4x8
    Exercises for biceps:
    1. barbell curl 4x8
    2. dumbell bicep curl 4x8
    My third day named "legs and abs day".

    Exercises for legs:
    1. squat 5x12
    2. lunge 5x12
    Exercises for abs:
    1. push threw 2x30
    2. double croach 2x30
    3. foot in foot croach 2x30
    My fourth day - arms day.

    Exercises for arms:
    1. dips 4x15
    2. reverse grip triceps pushdown 4x8-12
    3. barbell curl 4x8
    4. dumbell bicep curl 4x8

    Muscle meal

    Hello bodybuilders.
            This is what I ate after my workout today
      - Chicken nuggets
      - Rice with rasins
      - Broccoli

    Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    Fitness update

    Exercises to build some muscles      fitness, muscle power, street workoutBodybuilding, Healthy living, Fitness, Musce, Workout

              FITNESS                                       BODYBUILDING                              HEALTHY LIFE

    Tuesday, November 20, 2012

    Fitness update: 60 days tansformation!

    Exercises to build some musclesExercises to build some muscles
    These photos shows my 60 days of hard work at gym and this is only the beginning of my fitness career!

    Monday, November 19, 2012

    Bodybuilding and bad habits

            We all  have our own bad habits. Some of us are addicted to smoking cigarettes, others-can't live without alchohol or tons of junk food. The thing is those habits might have a huge impact on our muscle building progress.
           The question is should I give up all those things if I want to build some muscle? Well, if you are a pro bodybuilder preparing for a competition then the the answer is yes, you must. But most of us are not that serious and such cheat days once a week probably won't make any difference. However, if you abuse it your muscle building will be pointless.

    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    Bodybuilding mistakes

    life to win, fitness, bodybuilding

    There can be several reasons why your muscle building progress has stopped. 

    1) You are not training as hard as you could.

    To solve this problem try to do more reps or always add some more weight than last week's workout. Also push your self to the limit when it comes to last repetitions. Its all about the last reps!

    2)  You are overtraining

    This mistake is very popular and is done mostly by those who are new in bodybuilding. To avoid this do a specific muscle only once a week. For example if you did chest on monday give it 7days to recover.

    3) You are not eating right

    Nutrition is essential and you must eat right if you expect to build some muscle. Then you are at gym, you are damaging your muscle. Muscles growwhen they are recovering and in order for them to recover good source of protein, carbs and fat a extremely important!

    4) You are not patient

    Building muscle is a slow process so you must be consistent and patient. Don't believe then others say they gained 5kg of muscle in month. It is impossible unless he's on steroids.  

    Saturday, November 10, 2012

    Biceps the almighty

             Every bodybuilder wants to have a nice biceps. It's like their visit card. We can divide exercises for biceps to  isolating and heavy compound exercises. Isolating exercises are dumbbell/barbell curls. Heavy compound exercises for bicep are basically all kinds of pull exercises.

    Why are leg workouts so important?

     A lot of teenagers who start going to gym pays very little attention (or even absolutely no attention) to their legs.
       The truth is that your legs are the biggest muscles in your body and not training them is just silly.
        So start hittin' them and stop ignoring the biggest muscles of your body!

    Back day at gym with AndrewFitness

    There is a wide variety of back exercises but the most common exercises are deadlifts chin-ups barbell/dumbbell rows, lat pulldowns  and lots of machines to make those back muscles feel the pump.
    Attention to those who are doing deadlift. This exercise is called that for a good reason. If you do it wrong you can damage your back for the rest of your life. Skip this exercise or consult with a professional before doing it.
           The most effective and popular back exercise is pull-up. I like doing them and they are essential in order to build nice back muscles.

    Chest day at gym

             Hey everyone so today I did chest at the gym and I want to share my experience with you all. The basic and best exercises for chest are barbell/dumbbell bench press, incline bench press, chest flies and of course the dips (wide grab). I did 4 sets of bench presses 4 sets and about 8-12 reps and 2sets of dips till failure. I'm sure these exercises will help to make my chest enormous.

    Abs routine

                Everybody wants to have nice abs so here are the basic exercises for them. All kinds of hanging leg raises, crouches, exercises using ab wheel and of course all kinds of machines.

           All those exercises can be easily fitted to your workout routine. Whatever your goal is (flat belly or fully defined six-pack) those exercises will really help.
                                         Good luck